Serving God and Serving Others

115 W Ridge St, Gastonia, NC 28052

Sunday Services

Our church is excited to welcome you into our family. No matter your background or phase in your spiritual journey…Welcome!

Church Meeting Times


10 am Sunday School

11 am Main Service – Worship


What a joy it is to introduce you to our church! We pray that you will discover that our passion is serving God and serving others.
One Accord’s doors are open to anyone from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. We don’t expect anyone to show up a super Christian. We all admit that
we need God to fulfill our God given destinies. Come as you are and enjoy our powerful worship services and hear the biblical truth from God’s Word.


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Have Kids?

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Get Connected

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About Us

What a joy it is to introduce you to our church! We pray that you will discover that our passion is serving God and serving others.
One Accord’s doors are open to anyone from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey.

Our Mission & Vision

At Divi Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith

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Latest Message

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October 29, 2018: Pellentesque Ipsum Id Orci Dapibus.